What you should know

Breast cancer is a cancer that develops in the breasts. It occurs when cells in the milk-producing ducts, glandular tissue (lobules), or breast tissue begin to grow abnormally and out of proportion. These cells continue to grow and multiply, forming a lump or mass on the surface of the breast. These cells can spread and metastasize to lymph nodes and other areas in the body, as the stages of cancer progress.

Breast Cancer is classified into various types based on genetic makeup and presence of hormonal (Progesterone and Oestrogen) and other protein (HER2) markers. Doctors are able to recommend treatment type and predict response to treatment given based on your type of breast cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer may include:

  • Changes in appearance of the breast and/or the skin surrounding the breast; including size, shape, redness, and dimpling of the skin
  • A lump in the breast; thickening of tissue unlike the rest of the breast
  • Inverted nipple
  • Peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking of the pigmented area surrounding the nipple or skin surrounding the breast

While less common, breast cancer can occur in men as well as women.